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May Pieced Block with Paper

  1. Cut the green/pink and large floral/gray print pieces in half to make two 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles.

  2. If needed, trim the small floral/black plaid to 3 1/2" x 6 1/2"

  3. Place the small floral/black plaid, one of the large floral/gray print, and one of the green/pink pieces right sides together with the cream/gray fabric. Place the other green/pink piece right sides together with the large floral/gray print piece as shown below.

4. Place a strip of the triangle paper on top of the pieces of fabric like shown below and pin it down. Make sure to pin all the way through the cream/gray. Shorten your stitch length to about 12 stitches per inch. Sew on the dashed lines and then cut on all of the solid lines, including around the sides. Press the seams toward the paper. Then rip the paper off and trim your dog ears.

5. Now you can start on step 4 on the instruction sheet provided with the kit.

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