Whether you made it to February's Saturday Sampler class or got your blocks in the mail, you should have received a little note about getting social! These days social media is an important avenue to spread the word about your favorite businesses. We asked for you to share your blocks before the next class to be entered for a drawing! We will draw a name for our locals that can come to class (must be present to win) and once for those that we mail to.
Here is a little info on how to tag us in your post!
If you are on Facebook:

Create post
Add photo of your finished block
Add a caption. For example: "Completed the February block for Saturday Sampler at @Valley Fabric Shop." When you put the @ symbol start typing Valley Fabric Shop and a little drop down menu should pop up with our name and logo. Click on that. If the words turn blue, you know you've done it correctly.
Click the post button.

If you are on Instagram:
Click the + button to create a post.
Add a photo of your block
Click the arrow to move to the next step. This is usually asking if you want to add a filter, so, just click the arrow again to the next step.
Write a caption: For example: "Completed the February block for Saturday Sampler at @valleyfabric." Once you start typing the @ symbol and start typing valleyfabric a drop down menu should pop up with our name and logo next to it. Click that.
Click the check mark in the top corner to complete the post.